Firearms legislation Belgium

International Collectors Firearms Services Terms & Conditions

Federal Belgian Firearms Legislation

Please read these conditions carefully or ask for a copy

Please go to the website of  "WAPENUNIE"
You can find the latest info and the rules and regulations on firearms legislation on the "wapenunie" website.

Wapenunie was founded in 2008 and defends the interests of the civilian arms sector. The association is independent. It is not affiliated with military equipment manufacturers, manufacturers or wholesalers.

The association also plays a coordinating role in defending the interests of the sector. Consultations with other stakeholders are held on a regular basis. The aim is to arrive at common positions that are then defended by the government.

Governments and policymakers can also call on the expertise of the Arms Union in the field of regulations and technical aspects. We are regularly requested to provide advice.

Only recognized persons and associations of gun owners can join the Wapenunie. As a private individual you can contact the sport shooting federations, hunting associations or associations of weapon enthusiasts.

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